We stage high-quality live theatre from concept to performance in order to:
Entertain, educate, and enrich our greater Wenatchee Valley community
Provide opportunities for individuals to develop and use their artistic skills and talents
Advance local performing arts and theatre appreciation
We strive to do so in an inclusive, supportive, congenial, and creative atmosphere.

Founded in 1961, we are a volunteer, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Our home is the Riverside Playhouse in downtown Wenatchee, an intimate, “thrust stage” setting. We perform our bigger shows at the Numerica Performing Arts Center. A typical season can include musicals, comedies, melodramas, thrillers, and more, culminating with our big spring musical production during Wenatchee’s Apple Blossom Festival. We also sponsor the Short Shakespeareans, dedicated to advancing youth theater. We are guided and governed by our membership through an elected board of trustees.

We are governed by a volunteer board of fifteen trustees, including four officers and the past president. All are elected by our membership at our annual meeting and serve two-year terms. We recognize trustees who have served with distinction and excellence as Trustees Emeritus, an honorary, non-voting position.

Jeff Anderson
Kelly Atwood
Mark Belton
Cynthia Brown
Marissa Collins
Allison Cooper
Jeff Heminger
Sue Lawson
John Mausser
Tiffany Mausser
Kevin McKee
Vicki Michael
Nita Paine
Marie Scanlon
Vern Smith
Daina Toevs
Hailey Tolman
Bonnie VanHoven
Dave Williams